Independent Grassroots Fighting Campaign!
Protesting Politicians,
Sorry I’m not Sorry!
Supporting Amazon
workers as they march
on the bosses!
East Palestine, Ohio
toxic train derailment-
Chemicals in the Water!
I created this nationwide Pledge for any member of Congress to “Put Up or Shut Up” when it comes to Israel/Palestine. Within the first month of creation, 20 campaigns for Congress in 2024 signed onto the pledge!
I believe in investing in the working class of this country “First” rather than giving that money away to ruthless Middle Eastern Governments that want to drag the U.S. into WW3.
Standing up to the War Machine in Washington D.C.!
Sign Up to get updates about in person meet-ups, volunteer opportunities and campaign events!!
11 Laws to Introduce Day 1
Ranked Choice Voting and Term Limits to stop career politicians
Get Dark Money out of politics, End Citizens United
Make it a felony for members of Congress and their spouses to Buy/Sell Stocks while in office and 1 year after leaving office
Members of Congress lose their Federal Health Insurance until they pass universal Healthcare Coverage for all Americans
Tax breaks and grants/loans small-medium size family farms
All States need to use paper ballots to protect their elections
Spending cuts and transparency reforms to the corrupt military defense contractor system ripping off taxpayers
End the War on Drugs and implement a Harm Reduction/Healthcare Strategy like in Switzerland
Give Americans $100 tax break to vote and make election day a paid holiday
Pay immediately the pensions + damages + interest to the 20,000 non-union Delphi workers screwed out of their retirement during the Bankruptcy of GM in 2009. Attach it as an amendment to must pass Federal spending legislation
Pay all medical bills and buy homes at double market value to compensate every victim in East Palestine, Ohio for the train derailment that poisoned the entire town
Use Campaign volunteers, donors, and knowledge to help elect more Independent Candidates to Congress!
Supporting my campaign is MUCH MORE than issues or legislation I will vote on or introduce. Its about launching a Grassroots Movement to help other Independent Candidates get into Congress and kick out Corrupt Democrat and Republican Representatives!
Organize future independent candidates around these core issues
Not accepting Big Money donations, Pac and Super Pac money
Ranked Choice Voting & Term Limits
Banning Stock Trading for members of Congress and lobbying before/after being in Congress
Campaign Finance Reforms/Transparency
Make election day a paid federal holiday and increase number of polling locations nationally
Michael Harbaugh’s Promise
$200 max donation to campaign, no Super Pac money
Pledging $50,000 donation of Congressional Salary to local nonprofits and charities in Ohio District 10
Will organize monthly protests/rallies in Washington D.C. for many important issues such as Universal Healthcare, Ending the Drug War, supporting Labor Unions, Anti-War/Peace, etc.
Use platform as a member of Congress to speak out loudly in the media and callout the Corruption in BOTH Parties
Organize followers of campaign to crowd source their money for non profits and get other Independents into office
Campaign Announcement! July 5, 2023
I decided to hit the road and protest to speak out against the government selling our safety to Big Railroads and their Lobbyists.
If Elected, I will introduce legislation to bailout with interest all peoples poisoned in East Palestine, Ohio and criminal penalties for the polluters and corrupt regulators.
Much Needed Solutions
End Homelessness by building tiny homes in every major city and refurbish existing houses to fully house EVERYONE
Reform our Education System to better prepare our children for the REAL WORLD… in areas such as the Law, Money Management, Nutrition, Emotional Intelligence, How to get Elected for public office, Everyday Life Skills/Trades
Nationalize the Railroads to ensure safety regulations are abided by and profits are returned to the American People
Invest in new group homes & foster care system to provide the highest quality care for our nations most at risk children
Congress needs to form Commissions to investigate the many crimes and coverups our Government has been involved in such as with Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan Wars, Iran/Contra, Poisoning of Flint Michigan’s water, East Palestine Train Derailment victims, Camp LeJeune poisoning and Military coverup of victims, 9/11 First Responders victims, our Veterans health problems from burn pits and Agent Orange exposure, Wall St. housing crash 2008, and denial of Universal Emergency Healthcare during Pandemic to name a few!
Immigration- Hire hundreds of new judges to process cases of people arriving at the border so their cases can be quickly decided, secure the border with drones and surveillance-No Continuous Thousand Mile Wall, and provide incentives in our employment system, border policy, and citizenship process to go the legal route rather the choosing the illegal one.
Ready to take the next step?
This is a local Independent grassroots campaign that is fueled strictly by people power and enthusiasm- NOT large donations from billionaire donors that are the life blood of the Republican and Democratic Parties. You can be a part of this Movement to expel a corrupt career politician and “Distant Daytonian” Mike Turner from congress. This will send a powerful message to the country that “WE THE PEOPLE” are not going to allow our leaders to be bought and sold any longer, Enough is Enough!